
A hospital in Beirut, Lebanon, has become the first to offer a 100 percent plant-based menu.   When Hayek Hospital announced the groundbreaking change last year they said, "Our patients will no longer wake up from surgery to be greeted with ham, cheese, milk, and eggs- the very foods that may have contributed to their health problems in the first place".

Because the World Health Organization classifies consumption of processed meat as carcinogenic and consumption of red meat as probably carcinogenic, "serving meat in a hospital is like serving cigarettes in a hospital", the hospital statement said.

The American Medial Association and the American College of Cariology have both recommened that hospitals provide healthful, plant-centered meals.  New York and California are leading the way in the United States, as they have enacted laws requiring hospitals to offer a plant-based option at every meal.

Vibrant Life Magazine

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