This product from Australia is certified organic, non-GMO truly raw carob powder. The 7.05oz bag has been milled without any heat, giving it a pure taste. The raw carob powder has a full-bodied, sweet, smooth taste. Mild carob flavor (not chocolaty) like our roasted carob powder. Many buyers, wholesalers, and consumers are being fooled when buying counterfeit raw carob powder products. Carob powders that are brown or dark brown are absolutely not raw. True raw carob powder is off-white in color. Brown or dark brown carob powder has been heated in processing - milling the pods into powder.
Testing in our kitchen indicates this product superior to most carob products available.
Most carob around the world is grown for their seed quality and not the pods as seeds made into locust bean gum are more lucrative than pods made into carob powder. CAROBOU'S wide range of Australian Carob products are made from carob pods grown on sweet carob trees selectively chosen for their thick, rich, luscious pods — not for the seeds. Our raw carob powder is excellent for traditional or raw food consumers.
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