Could what we eat be the difference between life and death – between a light fever or a stay in intensive care? We know that obesity, high blood pressure or diabetes can lead to severe Covid-19 complications. Does this mean, our diet our destiny? Could eating fewer animals and more plants be the solution?
A new study suggests it could come down to a survival of the vegetarians.
Overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross was at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. With doctors and conventional medicine unable to help, Joe traded in junk food and hit the road with a juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe had one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
This new ground-breaking documentary explores the impact that food choices have on people's health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other living species. And also discusses several misconceptions about food and diet.
How does one determine which foods are GMO. This video helps to answer that question.
Dr. Dean Ornish on Lifestyle Dr. Dean Ornish provides a brief but hard-hitting description of the world's greatest disease outbreak which is largely preventable with a proper lifestyle.
View Video Dr. Dean Ornish on LifestyleDr. Neal Barnard Dr. Neal Barnard discusses food addiction and the reasons behind some surprising food addictions. A must see!
View Video Dr. Neal BarnardDr. Colin Cambell Cornell professor T. Colin Cambell discusses his decades of HIH-funded research which show that meat and dairy promote cancer. He further outlines how a plant-based diet can prevent and even reverse cancer. The video overs the Oxford-Cornell-China Study which the New York Times called "the Grand Prix of epidemiological studies
View Video Dr. Colin CambellFood and Behavior The effect of food on children's health is well known and publicized. But a change in diet can also have profound effects on behavior. Appleton Central High School in Wisconsin had a rough student body in a stressful environment. The introduction of all-natural meals for students changed the environment almost overnight. Students now skip fewer classes, the drop-out rate has been reduced, vandalism has decreased and students just treat each other and their teachers much better. One leading physician group says this program is what every school district in the country should emulate. Purchase from Amazon.Co
View Video Food and BehaviorGMO and Children A documentary on some dangers of GMO foods with particular emphasis on children.
View Video GMO and ChildrenBird Flu A great video clip on the danger and seriousness of the Avian Bird Flu. A vegan diet reduces the risk of contracting this illness
View Video Bird FluThe GMO Threat The GMO Threat by Jeffry Smith
View Video The GMO ThreatAll Rights Reserved |Vegan Culinary Academy